somebody stole my soul

c'mon baby, take me home

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somebody stole my soul - a hanson campaign

we're all on the ground just crying out/would somebody save me please/i won't sit around just thinking about/the troubles that tomorrow brings

>ABOUT: many people, like myself, have trouble with depression. from manic depression to depression attacks, we go through alot. so if you or a friend has problem with depression, or you just wish to lend a helping hand in supporting people who do, please join. we may be able to overcome this, if not, at least we will have friends to reach out to.

>JOIN: to join, please e-mail me your name, age, e-mail, site URL & name, and if you have problems with depression or if you would just like to support the people that do.

>REQUIREMENTS: a website is NOT required, though if you do have one it is required that you put one of my banners on your site. and signing the guestbook would be a plus : )

>CODES: (thank you to the webmaster of a little bit more, caysie, for making these! and to alexis! *hugs*)


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eden (me)
problems w/ depression: one minute everything's okay and i'm all happy, then someone can say one sentence to me that makes my day a little bad and i break down and start crying and i just want to run away and leave my family and my boring friends and never come back. then in the next hour ill be so happy's been going on for a few months now and im too scared to tell moods change so easily and im either really happy or totally i manic depressive or what?

problems w/ depression: it seems like i get depressed very easily and then i get happy easily too. my life hasn't been complete hell, infact some of it has been okay, but it just seems like when something bad happens, right after i get over it something else will happen that's bad. my life is not nearly as bad as other people's out there, i always try to tell myself that so i'll stay happy, but it's just so weird.

hanson island
problems w/ depression: in my situation-- that being that i have trouble with emotions, being a Hanson fan isn't always the easiest thing in the world. i couldn't make friends in the 7th grade because of it. i hated myself, but i never gave up. i kept on loving Hanson, alone. But i decided i didn't need those people. Now i just don't tell people. it's not that I'm ashamed, it's just that I know what happens when other people know about it. it's really pathetic. well, people think i'm bitter, but that's not it. before those people who picked on me in the 7th grade came along, i was happy. past influences are quite an inspiration. i'm not bitter, just cynical. it's not great, but hey, what are you gonna do? it's nice knowing that i'm not alone. it makes me feel better, in a way, i guess.

About Me

problems w/ depression: i'm just off and on between happy and depressed...but usually Hanson helps me out. their music has healing powers.

problems w/ depression: i've dealt with depression for as long as i can remember. i showed signs of it when i was baby, since i never smiled much and i was easily intimidated by the littlest things. i've pretty much grown up in the hospital, since i was born with heart defects that have kept me sick most of my life. in total, i've had 9 open-heart surgeries and numerous others to keep me healthy. the real depression kicked in during my sophomore year of high school and i've gone to extremes to hurt myself and kill myself. i can't explain it, i just have severe mood swings that i can't control. since then i've been put on medication and received therapy. i'm doing okay now, but depression is that monster that never leaves. i'm always afraid i'll have a depressive episode and end up in the hospital in the psychiatric unit...but this time for good.

hanson blondage
problems w/ depression: even though i get depressed often, i can handle it by hiding behind everything and still at the end of the day look back and nothing was done about it. i'm still upset and i'm still depressed. what i go through, the crying, the worrying, the fear, is nothing compared to what some of my friends go through though. so by joining, i'm guessing i'm making a slight difference by showing my support of this clique.