the pretty boy

c'mon baby, take me home

site tour
the romantic
the pretty boy
the heartbreaker
little things
this could be heaven
campaign support
say what?!
all the way to you
kodak moments
kodak moments 2
who, what, when, why
my letter i'll never send
sister sites


taylor. oh God help us all, it's taylor. mr. perfect. mr. pretty boy. the reason most people hate him? because he's prettier than we'll ever be. those rosy cheeks, the pimpless skin. i just want to dye his hair purple just to make *one* thing look weird on him. but with my luck he'd probably look even hotter. he's the second oldest, the one with all the spotlight, and he's known as the "heartthrob" and the "quiet one". quiet one? ha. once you ask him how their music changed from album to album, he'll *never* shutup. okay, so he's supposedly a God, right? um, i don't think so. he can be a little...well, how do i put clearly he has his "blonde moments". i don't believe he's all sweet and sugar. i mean c'mon, we all *know* there's a wild side to this child. we're just waiting for it to pop up. with his soultry, original voice and his *amazing* talent for playing *EVERY FRIGGIN INSTRUMENT KNOWN TO MAN*, he usually gets the spotlight. but don't worry, sooner or later the media will get their heads out of their asses and realize he's only *part* perfect. oh, that'll be the day....

as i said before on isaac's page, i hate doing the fact thingies but it's kinda a must for all the teenies : )

name: jordan taylor hanson
nickname: tay
birthday: march 14, 1983
age: 17
eyes: blue
hair: dark blonde
position in band: keyboards/piano, synthasizer, conga drums, tamborine, percussion, harmonica, vocals (damn, boy!)
worst habit: taps fingers on everything
favorite color: red
if he had to play twister with one celebrity, it would be: marilyn monroe
if he could trade places with anyone, it would be: president for a day
if he had to eat anything for one month straight, it would be: breakfast bagle, breakfast burrito, and pancakes
he'd never leave home without: his clothes on
his favorite boy band is: none of them
the coolest thing he ever bought was: surfboard
the coolest gift he ever received from a fan was: a foosball table
he'd rather starve than eat: old cheese
favorite hair product: natural grease
nothing stinks more than: raw sewage
fave "friend": joey
the best show on TV is: the west wing
favorite cartoon character: marvin the martian
CD he can't stop listening to: lenny kravitz, "5"
favorite work of art: nothin
best fast foot item: double-double at in-n-out
no meal is complete without: food (oh gawd...)
favorite article of clothing: grey leather jacket
favorite hobby: music
if he could go anywhere, he'd go to: egypt